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Interesting Facts

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

The hero of one famous series claimed, “Everyone lies,” and he was absolutely right. People lie and cheat each other, sometimes, for the small profit, in some situations to get out of the water dry, and sometimes just, as they say, for the sake of a red word. 

Here are 10 amazing facts about lies that you may be oblivious of it.

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies
10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

 01. Are the Eyes a Mirror of the Soul?

There is a widespread misconception throughout the world that when a person tells a lie or hides something, he does not look in the face of the interlocutor, and his eyes at the same time “run around”.

According to psychologists, this is a myth. Experts studied the video recordings of the experiment, during which some participants were telling the truth, while others were lying, while both of them sometimes quickly looked from left to right and back, which created the effect of those “moving eyes”. Liars did this no more often than “true” volunteers, so it’s impossible to tell from the eyes whether a person is lying or not.

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies
10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

2. The Lie Detector is Lying

In some courts, the testimony of lie detectors is taken as evidence, but it is impossible to rely on the reliability of such information. In fact, all lie detectors are based on the detection of signs of anxiety and stress in a person, but many liars may not have them - this already suggests that such data cannot be considered objective.

On the base of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, some researchers are trying to create a device that identifies lies, but there is no evidence of the usefulness of this method. Now experiments are enduring to create lie detectors that work on further principles.

In the course of some experiments, curious data were obtained - it turns out, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (exposure to the cerebral cortex using short magnetic pulses), you can make a person lie more often than usual.

3. Nearly Every Person Tells a Lie at least Once a Day

American scientists conducted studies in which they asked people to evaluate how often they lie, and the vast majority of participants admitted that they were telling a lie once or twice a day.

By the way, alternative experiment by researchers confirmations that on average 56% of Americans accept as true that lying will get away with it, among Protestants 55% were sure of this.

4. Lack of Time Provokes a Lie

According to psychologists, most often lies are not planned in advance - most people lie when they need to make a quick decision, and there is no time to think about the possible consequences of fraud.

The psychologist at the University of Amsterdam, Shaul Shalvi, clarify that when people are forced to act quickly, they tend to get the maximum possible benefit from the situation, without taking into account ethical and moral considerations. When a person can think carefully about his further actions and words, he is usually not inclined to lie.

5. People Often Lie to Themselves

Although others almost always suffer from fraudsters and liars, it is likely that such people are deceiving themselves.

Studies conducted in 2011 show, for example, that if people cheat on answers to test tasks and thus artificially overestimate the results, they tend to overestimate their abilities, even if they remember that the answers they received were dishonest. In other words, a person is just as easily deceiving himself as others.

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies
10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

6. "You Have a Product, We Have ...?"

At the dawn of its existence, humanity had a hard time, and in order to survive, people were forced to invent various ways to unite and establish contacts with fellow tribesmen.

According to the authors of the study, the results of which were published by the Royal Society of London, one of the instruments of this kind could well be a lie - “Tactical deception, or deliberate misrepresentation, allows a deceiver to establish cooperation, creating distorted ideas about the actions of the fraudster and his intentions.” So, perhaps, if people did not deceive each other, they would never be able to agree.

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies
10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

7. Two Year Old Babies May Intentionally Lie

If you think that children are always crystal clear in their intentions and even deceive only because they do not recognize their lies, we are forced to disappoint you: by studying child psychology, scientists have found that the child learns to lie consciously soon after he stops crawling on all fours. Even two-year-olds can intentionally drive their parents (and not only) by the nose.

8. Conscious Deception Makes a Person Smarter

In 2005, during a psychological study, it was found that constantly lying people work better with their heads. Compulsive (that is, aware of their lies) liars in the brain contain an average of 22–26% more white matter and a more developed prefrontal cortex - the area of the brain responsible for cognition and intelligence.

One of the leaders of the study, Yaling Young, gives an explanation of this fact in an interview with NPR: “For people who often and knowingly lie, the brain better connects various concepts and images that in reality may have nothing in common - for such connections in the human brain and white matter. ”

For example, it may be difficult for some to come up with “reasons” for being late for work, and inveterate liars easily compose stories more believable than the other.

“The development of neural connections allows a person to quickly move from one story to another and generate many ideas, combining completely different things at first glance,” Young explains.

9. "Serum of Truth" Doesn't Keep an Individual From Lying 

Pentathol sodium, a substance that typically shows up under the name "truth serum" in various books and movies, can't generally make individuals "open their spirits". This medication just evacuates mental channels for some time, because of which a constant stream of data streams from the lips of an individual, some of which may end up being valid, however, you despite everything ought not to accept the rest.

10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies
10 Most Interesting Facts About Lies

10. Politicians Started to Lie Quite a While Back 

Governmental issues has been and stays a filthy business where it is difficult to remain above water without acing the craft of saying anything with a genuine demeanor all over, and this element showed itself among people with significant influence in antiquated occasions. 

One of the unmistakable figures of this sort was the old Greek speaker and leader Alcibiades, who is known for having twice crossed the cutting edge during the Peloponnesian War. 

From the start he was in favor of Athens, every which way prompting and inciting the resumption of threats against Sparta, at that point, dreading an examination of a portion of his activities, he fled to the Spartans, whom he had as of late called adversaries. He educated the Spartan administrators regarding some important data that almost prompted the destruction of Athens, however, when jealous Spartans about executed him, Alcibiades again turned into a reliable Athenian.

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