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Interesting Facts

10 Amazing Facts About Coconuts

10 Amazing Facts About Coconuts

Everyone knows that coconut is an excellent food product, it produces a healthy drink from it, and it has even become a favorite ingredient in star diets. But this is far from all the facts known about this “fruit of life”.

10 Amazing Facts About Coconuts
10 Amazing Facts About Coconuts

1. Coconut and Music.

Now you are convinced that coconut is a fairly popular fruit. Moreover, he became an object of inspiration for numerous musical works. "Coconut" performed by Harry Nilsson, a bizarre and charming song that appeared in the early 70's and quickly became a hit. After appearing on the air, the song repeatedly became the track for films and video games.

2. Coconut Armor.

When we hear the phrase “coconut armor”, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the hollowed-out coconut shell used as a helmet. But the artisans of the Republic of Kiribati were able to do something more interesting.

Their coconut protective suit was made from a very thick carpet of dense fabric woven from coconut fibers. The armor consisted of a headgear, body armor, a plate on the back, pants and a tight-fitting jacket with a high collar.

3. Coconut Vodka.

Your vacation on the sea coast would not be complete without a refreshing coconut cocktail, which will help you to relax and unwind.

In the Philippines, a liquor called Lambanog is made from coconut-colored buds. This drink is made exclusively from organic components and does not contain any chemistry. It was traditionally manufactured at home, but recently, Lambanog began to be produced on an industrial scale.

10 Amazing Facts About Coconuts
10 Amazing Facts About Coconuts

4. Coconut and History.

Coconut has become a key factor in the growth and development of many civilizations. Modern scientists have discovered how significant a role coconuts played in the trade and migration of ancient peoples.

There are more than 1300 species of coconut, and they can be divided into two main groups regarding their genetic origins: growing on the Pacific coast and on the coast of the Indian Ocean. After studying the genetic origin of coconuts, evolutionary biologist Kenneth Olsen and his team were able to trace the main trade routes and migration routes of ancient human civilizations.

5. Coconut Fuel.

Coconuts are a good “fuel” for the body, but did you know that it is also possible to make environmentally friendly fuel for cars from it? Biodiesel, which is an excellent alternative to existing environmental gasoline fuels, can be extracted from coconuts in significant quantities. Thus, the substances contained in coconuts can perform several functions: act as the main substance, additives, or direct substitute for diesel.

6. Coconut and Art.

Talented artists can create beauty from what at first glance is not applicable in art. Coconut was no exception. It is used as a material for sculptures, both in its original form and complex, associated with the unusual processing of coconut.

Coconuts are also an integral part of some ethnic folk dances and other cultural events. So, during a traditional Filipino maglalatik dance, the halves of a coconut shell are tied to different parts of the body of a man and used as an impromptu drum.

7. Coconut Palace.

Coconut is not only rich in nutrients, it is also an excellent building material. The former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was convinced of this when he built himself a coconut palace.

Wanting to surprise Pope John Paul II during his visit to the Philippines, Marcos ordered the construction of a luxurious mansion, which cost 37 million pesos ($ 10 million). Seventy percent of this two-story building was constructed from coconut lumber. Other components of coconut tree and nuts are also included in the decoration and architecture.

Did the Coconut Palace impress the Pope? Yes, but not what the Philippine authorities expected. Pope John Paul II condemned the palace, considering it too pretentious and pompous, especially against the background of the low standard of living of ordinary Filipinos. So Dad decided to stay elsewhere.

8. Coconut and Monkeys.

Collecting coconuts is not an easy or even dangerous task for humans, therefore, since ancient times, peasants have attracted monkeys, real experts in this matter.

In tropical countries such as Sumatra, peasants trained monkeys to harvest coconuts for them. Most farmers control animals with a long leash, but some monkeys are so well trained that they listen to the owner’s voice commands. Such monkeys are in great demand and bring good income to their master.

9. Coconut in a Gas Mask.

The First World War went down in history with many gas attacks, as a result of which gas masks became a necessary means of survival. Carbon was used in gas masks to clean the air, but it is not always obtained in the same way. In the United States, they found a way to produce carbon from coconut by burning walnut shells. Scientists have found that gas masks using coconut carbon were superior to others in filtering harmful substances.

Even now, coconut carbon remains an important tool in the fight against radiation and was actively used in the accident at the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant.

10. Useful Properties.

Coconut fruit contains many useful substances for the body. As it turned out, coconut milk also contains important components and is a short-term substitute for human blood plasma, as evidenced by experiments conducted back in the 50s. Recently, a case was recorded where coconut was used to treat a severe patient in the Solomon Islands.

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